JCSD Seeking Information On Vehicle Burglary Suspects
The Jones County Sheriff's Department is investigating a series of vehicle burglaries and attempted vehicle burglaries that have occurred over the past several days in the Hebron and Glade/Tuckers Crossing communities. Suspects, wearing gloves and clothing concealing their identities, have been seen on resident's security cameras attempting to break into vehicles. Several attempts have been successful with cash and firearms stolen. JCSD is requesting the public's assistance in identifying the vehicle shown on security video.
In addition, residents are requested to check their security cameras for suspicious activity and contact JCSD at 601-425-3147 to report any attempted vehicle burglary. JCSD investigators will come collect video and physical evidence from any vehicle burglaries or attempted vehicle burglaries discovered. JCSD Investigator - Sergeant Denny Graham reminds Jones County residents not to leave firearms or valuables in their vehicles or anything in plain view and to keep their vehicles locked.